Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014

The crowds on the weekend this week were a little heavier than previous weekend, but things are fairly slow during the week now that spring breaks are finished. We are gearing up the for summer, however, so we are putting as many teams into the rotation as we have teamsters to drive them. When summer is in full swing, we'll be running three wagons, three carriages, and the bandwagon. The teamsters will meet at 6:30 in the morning get the horses grained, cleaned and harnessed ready for the first rides at 8:00 a.m.

Mick and Ben 

Kids love to pet the horses after their ride.

Jan served a day in the Family Living Center.  She loved it!

Getting ready to bake bread in the "bustle"oven.
Is it hot enough?  

Aunt Peg would love to watch them make rugs on the loom,
but here it's a man's job.

We attended a temple session on a cold and windy April day . . . 

. . . but the tulips reminded us that it really is spring.

I've never seen double tulips like these.  Beautiful!

The view of the river from the temple steps.

The temple grounds are so beautifully landscaped that it
almost makes you forget the cold day.

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