Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014

Thought you'd like to see our Mission Presidency: President and Sister Gibbons are in the middle, President and Sister Jenson (1st C.) on the left and President and Sister Harwood (2nd C.) on the right. (The Harwoods were in our MTC group.)

The Warsaw Signal was infamous for publishing slanderous articles about the Mormons back in the Old Nauvoo days. It was also a major contributor to the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. We went to see what was left of the Signal Office now. 

And this is what it looks like inside! The main floor has collapsed into the basement. The printing press lies in ruins in the rubble. It's amazing that nothing has ever been done with the building.

 About every three months, our MTC group gets together for a little party. This is the gang! 

We were in charge of our Zone's Thanksgiving Dinner. We served 36 people and felt that it was a great success.

An old farmer and his cows! 
(Actually, we have to exercise our oxen at least a couple of times a week, even in the winter.) 

And, yes, it's getting cold around here. The proof is along the banks of the Mississippi.

Now that Thanksgiving is past, we are focusing on Christmas around here. You should see the Christmas tree in our Visitors' Center. It's amazing! The ornaments represent the various visitors' sites here in Old Nauvoo: the lanterns are from the Tin Shop, the rope from the Family Living Center, the slate board from the Log School, the gun from Browning Gun Shop, the gingerbread man from the Bakery, letters from the Post Office, bricks from the Brickyard, horse shoes from the Blacksmith Shop, DVDs from Land and Records, the horses from the Wagon and Carriage Rides, and the temple from--well you know!

This Christmas tree was decorated by the FM (Facilities Management) missionaries. If you look closely, you'll see that the ornaments are tools and the garland is an extension cord. How about that tree topper!

Then there's the Christmas tree we have put up in our house. 

One of our teamsters is leaving us this week, so we had a farewell party for him and his wife. After enjoying banana splits, we had a fun little program in which some of the teamsters performed. Here, decked out in wigs, are June and Johnny Cash singing one of Johnny's hits.

The temperatures have turned mighty cold around here, but thoughts of you all during the holidays warm our hearts. Thanks for being so great!


  1. Love the tool tree! I totally want one of those!

    And you know I enlarged the photo of your Thanksgiving tables so I could see Mom's nut cups. I miss her nut cups.

    It looks like y'all are staying busy and having some fun, too. We love and miss you!

  2. Hey, I was going to comment on the nut cups! Well done, Mom. I love the tree in the visitors' center. You guys should bring home some of those items for your own tree next year. It will remind you of the good old days in Nauvoo.
