Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

One day this past week, I was assigned to take several groups of elementary school kids from a nearby city for tours around Nauvoo. It was fun to see how excited they were to go on a "real" wagon ride pulled by "real" horses!

First thing in the morning, we bring all 22 horses into the barn and feeding troughs for their morning grain and cleaning. We then harness those we're going to use during the day and turn the others back out to the corrals.

One of the school groups lined up for their wagon ride.

After the rides, many of the people--kids and adults--like to come and pet the horses.

One day this week, Jan was assigned to conduct tours in the Print Shop, which happens to be just around the corner from our apartment in the John Taylor home.

Last Thursday a group of people from a Rapid City Vintage Car Club rolled into town.

I think the average age of the members of this car club rivals the average age of the senior missionaries serving here in Nauvoo!

The cars they were driving were amazing. The oldest one was a 1929 Ford.

On our Prep Day today, we decided to visit the Nauvoo Memorial Cemetery located east of town.

This statue was put up by the Church in honor of the many Latter-day Saint family members who are buried here.

As you can see, the headstones are scattered here and there, no particular alignment or pattern.

On most of the headstones, the printing is illegible. But on this one, you can make out that it belonged to William Matlock, who was editor of the Hancock Eagle newspaper.

This headstone obviously has been redone, but it marks the burial spot of one of the more prominent saints in Nauvoo, Edward Partridge, the first Presiding Bishop of the Church. (Sorry that the picture insists on displaying sideward!)

The headstones in the front of this picture are reproductions of the original ones above them. Notice the dates of the deceased. Lucius Scovil, a local baker, lost a son and two twin daughters and his wife within two years. Unfortunately, that was the lot of many of the old Nauvoo families.

There is a lot of talk here about “Nauvoo Miracles.”  We were told in the MTC that if we took care of the Lord’s family, He would take care of ours.   Many of the missionaries here have been blessed in amazing ways because of their service.  One has a 23 year old grandson who has decided to serve a mission, another has a son whose cancer is in remission, still another has a daughter finally pregnant after nine years of trying.  We believe that all missionaries are blessed just to be able to serve, but sometimes the Lord gives additional help when needed.   We are trying to recognize each day our “Nauvoo Miracles.”

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